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  • Article
    Shevchuk Yu. H.


    About the author: Shevchuk Yu. H.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Individual variability based on variations of cerebral furrows in patients with different size of the skull which carries inducing effect on the shape and parameters of the latter. However, separate impact study of craniotipe as a display of personal constitution does not allow to fully appreciate the interconnections in the overall structure of the constitution, which represents one of the main objectives of anatomy and human biology. Aim of our work – define the features of computer-tomographic parameters furrows hemispheres of the brain in boys and girls with different somatotypes. Materials and methods 82 almost healthy boys and 86 girls in the third generation residents of Podilskiy region of Ukraine conducted a CT scan of the head, lumbar spine on the median-sagittal cut and chest within the planned checkups by voluntary written consent of their parents or investigated (effective radiation dose does not exceed 1 mSv / year). Computed tomography of the head performed using spiral CT «SeleCT SP» company «Elscint» (Israel) (10 slices, voltage and amperage 120kV / 2-25mA - effective radiation dose 0,3 mSv). Conducted counting the number of visible scan on hemispheric furrows, determined the maximum width of each - perpendicular segment that connects the most distant points between the two neighboring gyri (right and left separately). Counted the average width furrows left and right hemispheres of a brain. Anthropometric survey of healthy young men and women were held by the scheme V. Bunak (1941). To evaluate the somatotype used mathematical scheme of J. Carter i B. Heath (2003). Statistical analysis of the results was done using the package "STATISTICA 6.1", which belongs to SRC VNMU named after Pirogov (license № BXXR901E246022FA), using parametric and non-parametric estimation methods. Results. Discussions It is established that the value of the nearcentral sulcus width of left and right hemispheres of a brain at the level of T10 in girls with an average intermediate somatotype was significantly (p <0,05-0,01) larger compared to the girls of other somatotypes. The value of the central sulcus width of the left hemisphere of a brain at the level of T10 in boys endo-mesomorph significantly (p <0.05) greater and has the significant trend (p = 0.056) compared to larger values with young men of middle intermediate and mesomorphic somatotype. In girls with a balanced somatotype value of specified size was significantly (p <0.05) greater and tends (p = 0.063) to larger values compared with girls endo-mesomorph and mesomorph. Size of width near the central sulcus of the right hemisphere of a brain at the level of T10 in girls with an average intermediate somatotype was significantly (p <0.05) greater compared to girls endo-mesomorph. The values width before the central and postcentral sulcus of left and right hemispheres, right hemisphere central sulcus at the level of T10 in boys with different somatotypes had no significant differences and trends to differences indicators. In girls with different somatotypes postcentral furrow width size of the left hemisphere, right hemisphere central sulcus at the level of T10 also had no significant differences and trends to differences of indicators.
    Tags boys, girls, somatotype, grooves of brain
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(54) 2 part 2015 year, 093-096 pages, index UDK 100.42:621.