About the author: |
Makarov O. G. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
Women during pregnancy is a major risk for the development of antiphospholipid syndrome. The frequency of this symptom in this category patsientok is about 5%. Aim of this work was to determine the status of the system hemocoagulation homeostasis in pregnancy s thrombophilia in different periods of gestation. Study of the system of hemostasis was carried out in I, II and III trimester of gestation. Klinichno examined 32 pregnant women with laboratory-confirmed antiphospholipid syndrome (study group) and 30 women with normal pregnancy (control group). It was viyavleno persistent increase in coagulation potential, both procoagulant and the vascular-platelet hemostasis in a group of pregnant women with APS. |
Tags |
hemostasis, thrombophilia, gestation, antiphospholipid syndrome |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(56), 2016 year, 040-042 pages, index UDK 618.001 |