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    Kebkalo A., Tryliskyy Y., Kluzko І., Karpenko О., Sykorskiy N.


    About the author: Kebkalo A., Tryliskyy Y., Kluzko І., Karpenko О., Sykorskiy N.
    Heading REVIEWS
    Type of article Review article
    Annotation Acute upper gastrointestinal (GI) haemorrhage is one of the most common GI emergencies. It is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality, as well as economic cost. Blood transfusion is a prominent element in clinical management of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Although the issue is of superior importance, clear evidence-based algorithms of packed red blood cells (PRBC) transfusion are absent. This review summarizes and critically appraises the most recent major published studies on the issue of PRBC transfusion in the setting of GI haemorrhage. Comparative analysis of national guidelines of developed English-speaking countries and Ukraine is also provided.
    Tags haemotrasfusion, packed red blood cells, gastrointestinal bleeding
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(56), 2016 year, 186-192 pages, index UDK 616.33/.34-005.1-085.385