About the author: |
Badalova A. O. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The work carried out on the bases 3 urban clinics, with outreach to their patients and parents at neighboring institutions (3 schools, 4 kindergartens and nurseries) and workers on 12 commercial facilities and offices. The response has made 1787 questionnaires and school A low level of ES detected in 29,3±1,1% of the population, the average level - at the level of 51.3±1,2% (P<0.001), a strong level - 19,4±0,9% (P<0.001). Every inhabitant of these groups have, respectively, a 1.76±0,18; 2,61±0,13 (P<0.001) and of 4.02±0,24 (P<0.001) of cases of morbidity. Medical uptake on the incidence is of 4.02±0.15 visits to the clinic during the year, of which only 0.75±0.11 visits regarding EHS. The incidence in combination with the ES reduces the QOL of the residents. The QOL index is below a satisfactory level, and an average of 54,9±1.9 points. |
Tags |
hyperurbanization, urban, emotional stress, morbidity, quality of life |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(58), 2016 year, 008-012 pages, index UDK 614.-8:616-084 |