About the author: | Musaev R. G. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Goal. The study by questionnaire and mobile health features of the chronic constipation (CC) prevalence among the adult population of Baku, the identification of risk factors (RF), contributing to the formation of CC and socio-hygienic assessment. Methods. The survey was conducted using the SF-36 questionnaire, adapted to the purpose of the present study. BMI was determined by the Quetelet index, F - scale, GPAQ. All analyzed 2127 fully completed questionnaires, of which 1732 questionnaires were submitted by men, 395 questionnaires – women. Results. The set of questions questionnaire, reflecting the well-known symptoms of CC, affirmative 635 men (36,7±1,2%) and 163 women (41,8±2,5%; t=1,66; p>0.05). With increasing age, the incidence of CC among men increased from 24.6±3.7 V to 45.2±3,7% (t=3,94; p<0.001), among women - from 21.5±7.4 to 49,0±7,1% (t=2,67; p<0.01). Contacts with the respondents during the visits to the clinic and mobile communications shows that despite the efforts on treatment of CC, it does not bring the desired results. Even after normalization of bowel movement already within 9-11 months come the recurrence of the disease. Therefore, the incidence becomes protracted. For example, the period XS of men on average of 4.94±0.22 years, the women of 6.17±0.34 years (t=to 3.08; p<0.01).BMI, including all three degrees of obesity were revealed in 1732 781 of the questioned men (45,1±1,2%). And 366 cases of IMT occurred in 635 men with XS (57,6±2,0%), and 415 cases 1097 men XS (37,8±1,5%; t=a 7.92; p<0.001), or 1.52 times more. A similar pattern is observed among the 395 respondents are women, including identified 247 cases BMI (62,5±2,4%), of which 102 cases occurred in 163 women with XS (of 62.6±3,8%) and 145 cases, respectively, 232 women without CC (62,5±3,2%; t=0,02; p>0,05). The data obtained show that the kind of socio-natural and ethnic conditions in Baku CC is widely spoken among the local population, reaching men 36,7±1,2%, in women 41,3±2,5%. In the formation of the CC big role to play, along with internal and external risk factors, among which stand out BMI and low physical activity. The combination of these risk factors and detection of CC exceeds 90%. When normative values of body weight (<25.0 kg/m2) and FA (>60 min/day) detection of CC very rare. As can be seen, correction BMI and low physical activity becomes important in increasing the effectiveness of treatment of CC and prevention at the population level. Conclusion. Correction BMI and low physical activity becomes important in increasing the effectiveness of treatment of CC and prevention at the population level. |
Tags | medical negotiability, adherence to the treatment, population, chronic constipation |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(58), 2016 year, 048-051 pages, index UDK 616.34-008.14/.15-036.12-053.8 |