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Varzhapetyan S. D. |
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Objective: to study the distribution of receptor for peanuts lectin (PNA) in the structures of the mucosa of the maxillary sinus in various forms stomatogennic maxillary sinusitis. Material and Methods. Determine the distribution of peanut lectin receptors in the mucosa of the maxillary sinus in the structures 129 (100%) patients with various forms of stomatogennic maxillary sinusitis. βD-galaktosis detected by treating serial sections peanut lectin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. Preparations were treated using standard sets of "Lektinotest" st. Lviv in dilution 1:50 lectin recommended method [10]. Visualization of the lectin binding sites was carried out in a diaminobenzidine system - hydrogen peroxide. Control of the specificity of the reaction was carried out by excluding from drugs processing circuit diaminobenzidine. Soybean lectin (PNA), specific for the non-reducing terminal residues of β-D-galactose glycopolymers. The specificity of lectins to nonreducing terminal monosaccharide residues of glycoconjugates given in accordance that in literatur [1]. The intensity of staining sections lectins were scored "+++" - an intensive response (brown); "++" - moderate reaction (gold, yellow and brown); "+" - weak reaction (or golden, golden yellow in color); "-" - no reaction. Photographic documentation was carried out with the help of computer analysis system, consisting of binocular microscope Axiolab, connected to a digital camera and software «AxioVision 4.8». Results of the study. Detected a low concentration of peanut lectin receptors in the mucosa of the maxillary sinus structures in patients odontogenic iatrogenic group. The high concentration of receptors for peanut lectin in epithelium, basal and goblet cells of Schneiders membrane noted in the maxillary sinus iatrogenic forms the basis of etiology, pathogenesis of which is an infectious component – an infectious-allergic and dosage forms. In normal lamina propria fibers PNA + receptors are found in large quantities in infectious and allergic sinusitis iatrogenic form, in the areas of fibrosis of the lamina propria, their concentration is the same in all forms of iatrogenic maxillary sinusitis. |
Tags |
lectinhistochemical assessment of Schneiders membrane, iatrogenic maxillary sinusitis, stomatogenic maxillary sinusitis, peanuts lectin |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(59), 2017 year, 106-112 pages, index UDK 616.716.1:616.315.1: 616.216-002-074/.078 |