About the author: |
Dmitriev M. O. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The article describes the features of the connections of angular inter-jaw parameters with the characteristics of the closure plane, the position of the teeth and the profile of soft facial tissues in young men and women with physiological bite. Both young men and girls with physiological bite have the opposite orientation of the angles of the plane AB and the soft tissue angle with angular characteristics of the closure plane and the position of the teeth in comparison with the rest of the angular interstitial parameters. Between angular inter-jaw indices and angular and linear characteristics of soft facial tissues, fewer opposite bonds are established: in young men - for the angle of the plane AB in comparison with the angles ANB, Gl'SnPog ', the angle of the skeletal obliquity and the angle of N'Hold_Pog'_Hline opposite direction of the links with the angle Z and the distance Ls_NsPog 'was marked; for a tissue-like facial angle in comparison with the basal and Gl'SnPog angles, the maxillo-mandibular angle, the angle of the skeletal obliquity and the profile angle T - with the depth of the nasolabial fold and the angle Z; in girls - for the angle of the plane AB and the facial angle of the soft tissue, compared with the basal and Gl'SnPog angles, the maxillo-mandibular angle, the angle of the skeletal obliquity and the profile angle T, the opposite direction of the bundles was marked only with the angle Z. |
Tags |
boys, girls, angular inter-jaw indices, characteristics of the position of upper and lower jaw teeth, profile of soft facial tissues |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 051-059 pages, index UDK 616-071.3:675.1:611.984:612.655/.656 |