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Моhyla O. O. |
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Overweight is one of the global problems of the modern way of life. According to WHO, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population has tripled in recent decades and continues to grow (WHO). The large joints of the lower extremities are especially affected. They perform not only a supporting function, but they also account for the main mechanical stress. The knee joint is the most vulnerable since it is the most susceptible to weight and mechanical stress which causes such diseases as osteoarthritis. Thus about half of patients with deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint have excess body weight. Considering the presence of excess weight in the diagnosis of the knee joint synovitis, the determining factor is the ratio of hight/weight.
The aim of the work is: To analyze the dependence of the degree of synovitis of the knee joint on the coefficient of hight/weight of a patient using the method of ultrasound diagnostics.
Methods. We studied the ultrasonographic data of 461 patients aged from 13 to 80 years with complaints about pain in the KJ and in the popliteal fossa, with movements restriction during the period of 08.- 09.2016. All the patients had US of both knee joints by standard methods on the device by “BK Medical” company with linear sensor with the frequency of 12, 0 MGz. The front, back and side areas of the knee joint were scanned in direct and lateral projection. Complaints about pain location in suprapatellar zone, on back sides of thigh and shin were taken into consideration.
The 1st stage – muscular-tonic syndrome of semimembranous and medial gastrocnemius muscles or unexudative stage. The 2nd – unexpressed synoviitis. The 3d stage-expressed synoviitis of KJ. A strip of an anemic liquid dilates and has a homogeneous structure. The 4th stage-chronic synoviitis characterized by an enlargement of the suprapatelar bursae due to an inhomogeneous fluid. The absence of synovitis was noted in the group of patients whose weight/height ratio was normal in 23 out of 28 people (82%), аmong all examined patients. The highest percentage of evident synovitis was found in patients with obesity of grade 1 (100%) – the 3rd group of patients. These results confirm the relationship between the degree of obesity and the severity of synovitis. It was observed that patients with the second group of obesity had a gradual decrease in the rates of development of synovitis whereas it was reduced even more among the patients of the 4th group. This is explained by a decrease in motor activity and thus a decrease in the physical stress on the knee joint.
Conclusion. The conducted research allowed to come to a conclusion that the main factor determining the severity of synovitis is an increased physical stress with excessive body weight. Patients of the 4th group with the second degree of obesity leading a sedentary lifestyle overload their knees less often while patients with the first degree of obesity try to lead an active lifestyle (especially in rural areas), thereby increasing the burden on the knee joint and causing synovitis. Thus, the presence of a combination of overweight + stress has fundamental importance for synovitis development
Tags |
Synovitis, knee joint, overweight, obesity, load, ultrasonography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 088-092 pages, index UDK 616.728.3-002-073.48 |