About the author: | Trufanova V. P. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Inflammatory gingival diseases are seen in early children age. A 30-40% percentage of the child population has gingival diseases at the 5-years old age, and in low income segment population -77%, respectively. The inflammatory periodontal disease is predominantly a bacterial infection involving the dental biofilm or dental plaque. Dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis is most commonly reported to be associated with acute or chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system. The aim of the study was to assess the chronic catarrhal gingivitis management in children, aged 6-12, with traditional approach to treatment using “Dekasan” agent and new approach of treatment using probiotic "BioGaia ProDentis" (BioGaia AB, Sweden) and multivitamin agent "Kiddi Pharmaton" («Boehringer Ingelheim», Switzerland). The positive side shift in hygiene and periodontal indices is showed a lower recurrence rate of HKH. Materials and methods. We studied 26 children, aged 6-12, with chronic catarrhal gingivitis in period of exacerbation. The quality of the oral cavity hygiene was assessed with Green-Vermillion Index (1964), Silness -Loe Index (1967). The severity and presence of gingival inflammation was evaluated with РМА Index (G.Parma, 1960), Silness-Loe Index (1967), Complex Periodontal Index (CPI, Leus P.A.,1987), The Gingival Bleeding Index, Screening by Pisarev-Shiller. These indeces were used to compare the success of treatment among identical patients’ groups with HKH with traditional local treatment (the first group 14 person) and the new approach of treatment group using probiotic "BioGaia ProDentis" and multivitamin agent "Kiddi Pharmaton". The difference in the clinical indeces were evaluated in 30 and 180±5 days of this study. In a basic group of children in 180 days the mean value of hygiene indeces versus the control group were not significant differences. Meanwhile the differences in the mean value of periodontal indeces were lower, respectively. In basic group the mean value of PMA Index versus the control group was 8,23% and 23,33%, respectively. Meantime, the mean value of CPI in basic group versus the control group was 0,33±0,08 and 1,67±0,08, respectively. The difference in the clinical indeces was shown the lower rate of HKH recurrence with new treatment approach. Conclusion. The new scheme of HKH management and prevention with probiotic and multivitamin is more effective than traditional one, was shown long-continued antirecurrence effect, has not any side effects. |
Tags | children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, probiotics, vitamins, treatment |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 117-120 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002:616.08-053 |