About the author: | Korchynska N. S., Slobodian О. М., Vatsyk М. М. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | The study is a fragment of the planned scientific-research investigation of M.G. Turkevych Department of Human Anatomy and the Department of Anatomy, Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery at Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”: “Peculiarities of Morphogenesis and Topography of the Organs and Systems in the Prenatal and Postnatal Periods of Ontogenesis” (State registration № 0115U002769). Every year over 600 children in Ukraine are born with congenital defects of the maxillary-facial are a (1:600-1:700 of deliveries), including 400-450cases with congenital cleft lip or palate.The morphological study conducted differs from those common ones that the development and formation of the maxillary structures are determined in the perinatal period of human ontogenesis, while the majority of studies deals with investigation of topographic-anatomical peculiarities of the maxilla in the postnatal period of human ontogenesis. The study was performed on 53 dead 4-10-month fetuses and 11 newborns of both sexes without any external signs of anatomical deviations or abnormalities, and without vivid macroscopic deviations from the normal cranial structure. Modern adequate morphological and statistical methods were applied during investigation: morphometry, X-ray examination, computed tomography, macroscopic examination, thermochemical and mechanical processing of the cranial bones, statistical processing of the data obtained. The macroscopic examination has found that in 11,8% of early fetuses three large cells of the temporary dental germs are available, in 88,2 %of 4-5-month fetuses four such cells are detected. From above the cells are covered with a thin osseous tissue, and from below – with a thin connective tissue. In 5-month fetuses all the four cells of the temporary dental germs are well marked, and intercellular septa are less marked. X-ray of early fetuses has found the most pronounced infraorbital margin and cellular arch of the maxilla. Four cells on the maxilla are found in all the 6-7-month fetuses. In 8-month fetuses the cell of V temporary dental germ is slightly marked. In newborns all the cells of the cellular process are well pronounced. In 4-7-month fetuses the cellular apex of the I temporary tooth germ in the maxilla is located lower from the caudal border of the pear-shaped opening. The cellular apex of the III temporary tooth in 4-6-month fetuses is found upward, and in 7-month fetuses – on the level of the caudal border of the pear-shaped opening. In 8-10-monh fetuses the cellular apices of the I and III temporary teeth of the left and right maxillae are located on the level of the caudal border of the pear-shaped opening. Conclusions 1. Beginning from the 6th month of the intrauterine development all the maxillary structures are contrast on X-ray. The outline of the maxilla, its frontal, zygomatic, cellular and pear-shaped opening processes are clearly seen on X-ray images. In 8-10-month fetuses and newborns the cells of the temporary teeth germs and intercellular septa are well differentiated. 2. The height of the cellular process of the right and left maxillae (in different areas) in the perinatal period increases considerably on the 6th, 8-10th months and newborns, and the least – on the 4-5th and 7th months of the intrauterine development. 3. The length of the cellular process of the right and left maxillae of fetuses and newborns increases considerably during 7-10th month sand newborns, and the least increase is observed during the 4-6th months of the intrauterine development. |
Tags | upper jaw, cellular process, morphometria, fetus, human |
Bibliography |
Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 139-143 pages, index UDK 611.716.1.013-053.15/.31 |