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  • Article
    Kocherha Z. R.


    About the author: Kocherha Z. R.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) syndrome are considered the most common causes of deadaptation of newborns in neonatal period, high perinatal and infant’s mortality, child’s psychomotor retardation, that require in-depth study of endogenous mechanisms of fetal abnormalities’ development and elaborating new methods of early antenatal diagnosis with subsequent prognosis and potential correction of the condition. The most investigated epigenetic mechanisms include DNA methylation, histone modification, and chromatin condensation state. Degree of compaction of the latter reflects functional and structural aspects of homeostasis. We are of the opinion that correlation of active and inactive chromatin may play a part in the development of fetal intrauterine growth retardation. In order to evaluate the function of hereditary apparatus on the organismic level we may use the studies of chromatin condensation state of the most investigated formed elements, namely the neutrophil granulocytes of the peripheral blood. 75 newborns aged 1 to 3 days were examined in order to determine the impact of genetic factors on intrauterine growth retardation: 30 newborns with IUGR and 35 healthy newborns, among them- 33 girls and 32 boys. Activity of genome functional state and micronucleus index of peripheral blood neutrophilic granulocytes at different stages of genetic information realization have been established. Taking into account the indices of chromatization, sex chromatin, nucleolar indices and indices of morphologically altered nuclei the abnormalities of immunogenetic status have been found in newborns with IUGR, as compared to healthy ones. Weakening of positive interrelation between the indices of chromatization and nucleolar indices is characteristic for newborn boys with intrauterine growth retardation (r = 0,2 Р<0,001) as against the strong interrelation in healthy newborns (r = 0,07, Р<0,001). Weak positive correlations between the chromatization indices and sex chromatin were reliable markers of dis-regulatory process of informational RNA synthesis in newborn boys with IUGR. Strong positive correlation between chromatization indices and indices of morphologically altered nuclei (r = 0,7; р<0,01) was the evidence of adaptive process for the support of necessary GFS activity. Incoordination between the activity of RNA synthesis (nucleolar index) and sex chromatin was the diagnostic factor of transcription-translation apparatus dysfunction in newborn girls with IUGR. Epigenetic modifications of the degree of chromatin compactization, and state of nuclear set of somatic cells reflect functional and structural aspects homeostasis. It was found out that the changes of genome functional state of neutrophilic granulocytes indicate the participation of genetic control mechanisms of functional and structural aspects homeostasis in the process of growth and development of child’s organism.
    Tags genome functional state, neutrophilic granulocytes, intrauterine growth retardation
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 143-146 pages, index UDK 575.113+612.112+613. 952+613.954