About the author: | Sokolenko V. M., Pudenko O. R., Novosyolova T. S., Zhukova M. Yu., Yudina K. Ye. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | Nowadays heart-vascular diseases namely thrombosis and embolism take the first position among reasons of disability, mortality as well as population life average duration reduction in Ukraine. There is a big row of plants containing so-called salicylates namely chemicals representing aspirin base, analogous by their action to organism but without negative side influences on a human health. Artificial replacement possibility with a accessible plant raw material gives actuality to the topic chosen by us. The work aim is to determine possibility to apply plants-salicylates as natural replacers of acetylsalicylic acid for thrombosis prevention. Investigations object and methods. Comparative analysis of plant-origined and chemically-produced salicylates influence was performed by control experiments establishment on the Rabbits domestic of a Silver breed. 3 groups were differed: the 1st control group had a standard feeding ration, the 2nd experiment group all juicy feeds were represented by potatoes with daily adding the acetylsalicylic acid fresh solution while the 3 rd investigation group animals ration was comprised as vegetables and root crops containing natural salicylates – carrots, cabbage, beetroot. Daphne willow White fresh branches were introduced in their ration as natural salicylates major source. We determined capillary bleeding duration by Duke method as well as a whole blood coagulation time and fibrin thread by Biurker’s method. All indices testify that blood coagulation time as well as fibrin – fibrinogen nonsolved form – formation time got increased. Aspirin action effect becomes visible already in a week of taking. Average-statistical indices remained stable in the limits of norm but one could observe the changes from minimal to maximal indices in the animals of the 3rd experimental group. It is possible to conclude while assessing the difference between examined rabbits both groups indices by mean of non-parametric statistic criterium Mann-Weetney’s that difference between indices of capillary bleeding duration time and fibrin thread formation time in the rabbits of the 2nd and the 3rd experimental groups is a valuable at p=0.05 variability level (wrong results variability comprises 5%). That is why it is possible to say by sure that that ending indices of capillary bleeding duration time and fibrin thread formation time differ much between the second and the third experimental groups (the second one indices are higher). It is possible to say by sure that natural salicylates influence on platelets aggregation and on blood coagulation time much less. While taking into account the fact that natural salicylates concentrations are splitted slower in blood plasma than aspirin but are excreted faster from organism it is impossible to consider plant extracts as possible antithrombotic means. Plant extracts influence on organism is determined by integral action of all substances in its composition. There also exists a possibility of blood coagulation processes enforcement. It is testified by separate animals blood investigations in the third group where one could observe not increase but on the contrary the decrease of capillary bleeding time as well as blood coagulation time up to nearest indices in the normal ranges. Conclusion. Taking into account vascular-platelet hemostasis indices changings absence in the animals taking plant-derived salicylates it is possible to make a conclusion that plant-origined salicylates possess insignificant and different-directed influence on vascular-platelet hemostasis and can’t be applied as proper acetylsalicylic acid natural changers for thrombosis prevention in a human being. Further investigations prospects are in other natural acetylsalicylic acid changers search for thrombosis prevention. |
Tags | acetylsalicylic acid, salicylates, vascular thrombo-tsytarnyy hemostasis |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(60), 2017 year, 157-161 pages, index UDK 612.115 :547.587.1 |