About the author: |
Savchenko L., Kaidashev I. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
Aim - assess the effect of lifestyle changes on quality of life and anthropometric indicators in patients with COPD in conjunction with alimentary-constitutional form of obesity. тMaterials and methods. We examined 53 patients with COPD in combination with the alimentary-constitutional form of obesity, which were divided into two groups. Patients of the first group - the main, (n = 26) on the background of protocol therapy COPD was carried modification of lifestyle, which included training, nutrition correction and regular physical activity. Patients in the second group - (n = 27) received only protocol therapy for COPD. Patients' examination included general clinical methods, determination of anthropometric indices (BMI, waist circumference (WC)), evaluation of COPD symptoms (CAT test) and quality of life (SGRQ). External respiration function was perform according to the generally accepted technique. The actual nutrition was evaluated using a 24-hour diet with food diary filling in two days - work and day off. Results and discussion. Prolonged use of lifestyle modification in the treatment patients with COPD in combination with obesity contributed to a decrease in WC of 1,07 times, BMI of 1,16 times (p <0.05), a decrease in the actual energy value of consumed food at work day and day off, and improvement of quality of life (p <0,05). The function of external respiration has not significantly improved. Application of an individually developed program of pulmonary rehabilitation incorporating the correction of the diet regime, taking into account the indicators of the main patient exchange and regular dosage physical activity against the background of inhaled basic therapy, allows regulaiting the energy imbalance of patients, which contributes to the reduction of WC, BMI and significant improvement the quality of life. Significant changes in the function of external respiration in the application of an individually developed program of pulmonary rehabilitation was not found. |
Tags |
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, modification of lifestyle |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №4(62), 2017 year, 076-080 pages, index UDK 616.23/24+616-056.52]:613.2./7 |
10.26724/2079-8334-2017-4-62-76-80 |