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  • Article
    О. А. Serebrennikova, V. V. Semenchenko, G. S. Моskovko, D. V. Tsyhalko, A. V. Shayuk, M. A. Karliychuk


    About the author: О. А. Serebrennikova, V. V. Semenchenko, G. S. Моskovko, D. V. Tsyhalko, A. V. Shayuk, M. A. Karliychuk
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article describes and analyzes regression models of individual indicators of cerebral circulation in practically healthy women of the endo-mesomorphic somatotype, depending on the features of anthropo-somatotypological indicators. Constructed all 5 possible time indices of rheoencephalogram with determination coefficient (R2) from 0.593 to 0.904; of the 5 possible amplitude indices of the rheoencephalogram, 3 of R2 from 0.540 to 720 were constructed; of the 8 possible derivatives of the rheoencephalogram, 7 with R2 from 0.528 to 0.865 were constructed. Constructed models with R2 more than 0.5 most often include: for amplitude rheoencephalogram indicators - body diameters (29,4%), cephalometric indices and thickness of skin and fat folds (by 23,5%); for the time indices of the rheoencephalogram - the thickness of skin and fat folds (35.7%), cephalometric indices (21.4%), longitudinal, circumferential dimensions and diameters of the body (by 10.7%); for derivative indices of the rheoencephalogram - the thickness of skin and fat folds (29.3%), the circumferential size of the body and the width of distal epiphyses of long limb bones (by 17.1%) and body diameters (14.6%).
    Tags practically healthy women, endo-mesomorphic somatotype, cerebral hemodynamics, anthropometric indices, regression models
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(62), 2017 year, 085-089 pages, index UDK 616.831-005:612.014.5-056.23-055.2
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2017-4-62-85-89