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The relevance of the study of cervical carcinogenesis is due to the high incidence of the papillomavirus infection among young women (up to 95%), which oncogeneicity has been proven to date. The purpose of the present study was the analysis of the findings of recent studies on the triggers of cervical cancerogenesis. The author emphasizes the findings of immunocytochemical study of cervical cells for the detection of toll-like receptors (TLR 3,4,7,8), nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), the NF-kB p 65 transcription factor, which are the controllers of the cellular cycle. The dysfunction of these enzymes leads to carcinogenesis. The analyzed publications indicated that the TLR 3, 4, 7, 8, iNOS and NF-kB p 65 expressions in the epithelial cells of cervical cancer significantly exceeded the one in the benign HPV-cells and disease-free specimens (р<0,005). Thus, the TLR/NO signal path is involved in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer and is subject to study. Another point of the presented review is the effect of the folates on DNA-methylation and the expression of tumor suppressor of the FHIT (Frigile Histidine Triad) protein, which inhibits the cervical neoplasia. The studies were conducted on the CaSki (16 HPV-positive) and С33А (16 HPV-negative) cellular lines in women with CIN and carcinoma. It has been established that the higher the grade of the cervical lesions the more elevated the level of FHIT-methylation was, whilst the level of the RBC folate was decreasing. Thus, the deficiency of folates is one of the links of cervical carcinogenesis that should be considered by clinicians. The publications also reported on the HPV–L1capsid protein as a marker of the tension of the local cervical immunity, induced by the HPV infection. The capsid test in combination with and quantitative HPV-test of cervical specimens can be used as a criterion for the effectiveness of conservative therapy in CIN. |
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