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  • Article
    Bezshapochny S.B., Ivanchenko S.A., Grishina I.S.


    About the author: Bezshapochny S.B., Ivanchenko S.A., Grishina I.S.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article describes the problem of treating patients with inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. Modern concepts for treating inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, are based on a clinical-anamnestic assessment of the patient's condition with the exclusion of the bacterial infection presence and include general restorative therapy and topical application of antiseptics, disinfectant solutions, topical anti-inflammatory drugs. It is known that the least side effects and contraindications are caused by herbal preparations. This group of drugs include INGLIPT ACTIVE PLUS and CHLOROPHILLIPT ACTIVE PLUS. Analysis was performed of the patients treatment results using these preparations in combination with benzidamine hydrochloride in comparison to the monotherapy with the latter. The obtained results testify to higher efficiency of the combined treatment. Among the patients of the main group, particularly subgroup 1, taking benzidamine hydrochloride 3 mg in the form of lozenges for x 3 times a day and INGLIPT ACTIVE PLUS in the form of a spray x 3 times a day, a faster (by 0.64 points) regression of hyperemia and puffiness of the tonsils, which in its turn can be successfully used in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis. In patients of subgroup 2 who received benzidamine hydrochloride 3 mg in the form of lozenges for resorption x 3 times a day and CHLOROPHYLLIPT ACTIVE PLUS in the form of a spray x 3 times a day, there was a more rapid (by 1.37 points) decrease in hypertrophy of follicles and hyperemia of the posterior wall pharynx, which may indicate the advisability of using this combination primarily in the treatment of pharyngitis.
    Tags tonsillitis, pharyngitis, inhaliptic asset plus, chlorophyllipt asset plus, benzidamine hydrochloride
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(64), 2018 year, 012-015 pages, index UDK 616.211-008.5
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2018-2-64-12-15