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  • Article
    Romaniuk A.N., Sikora V.V., Lyndin M.S., Sikora V.V., Hyryavenko D.R.


    About the author: Romaniuk A.N., Sikora V.V., Lyndin M.S., Sikora V.V., Hyryavenko D.R.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The present clinical and experimental medicine is characterized by imperfect understanding of the complexity of the pathogenesis of many diseases of the urinary bladder. This is due to the expansion of theories of the causes of their occurrence. Increasingly, there is a link between the development of diverse pathologies and unfavorable environmental conditions. Particular attention is drawn to data on the research of the influence of heavy metals salts on the urinary bladder. At the same time, information on a detailed description of recovery- readaptive mechanisms and the search for effective protective devices after the influence of pollutants practically does not occur. Therefore, the object of our research was to study the patterns of the readaptive changes in the urinary bladder after the cancellation of the heavy metal salts intake, as well as to study the effectiveness of the intake of vitamin E. The experiment was carried out on the laboratory rats, which previously were given water with the certain combination of the heavy metals salts during 90 days. The features of the readaptive changes in the urinary bladder were studied on the 30th day after the heavy metals intake was cancelled (120th day of the experiment). Thus, the rats were randomly divided into 4 series, according to the experimental scenario: A – control; B – the rats, after the heavy metals salts intake was cancelled; C – the animals that were given vitamin E during the recovery period after the heavy metals salts intake was cancelled; D – the animals with the extended intake of the corrector after 90 days of the simultaneous intake of the heavy metals mixture and vitamin E. The features of the histological structure of the organ were studied by using the hematoxylin and eosin staining method with the following morphometric measurements of the structural elements in the urinary bladder wall. The atomic-absorption spectrophotometer with the computerized recording of the analytical signal and calculation program was used to determine the concentration of the chemical elements in the tissues of the urinary bladder wall. The difference and correlation between the groups were studied in the Graph Pad® 6.0 software, as well as non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r), were used. This article demonstrates the study results of the readaptive changes in the urinary bladder of the rats, developed on the 30th day of the long-term intake of the heavy metal salts, as well as the effectiveness of use of the vitamin E as a corrector. Moderate morphological changes in the structural components of the examined organ were revealed and the leveling of the morphometric indicators and content of the chemical elements in the urinary bladder wall was observed that is proved by the presence of the unidirectional correlation. The animals with the different experimental scenarios had the different nature of the readaptive changes. Accordingly, the obtained data indicate that the presence of high levels of heavy metal ions in the urinary bladder tissue contributes to inhibition of regenerative mechanisms and slow readaptation. In its turn, the use of vitamin E contributes to the stimulation of the reduction of the morphological state of the urinary bladder and the gradual stabilization of the chemical composition to the control series during the recovery period. Vitamin E can be an effective drug of choice in experimental studies to correct changes due to the action of heavy metals salts and exogenous factors with a similar pathogenic effect.
    Tags urinary bladder, heavy metals salts, readaptation, vitamin E
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(64), 2018 year, 169-172 pages, index UDK 616.62-085.356:577.161.3:504.5
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2018-2-64-169-172