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  • Article
    V.V. Ivanchyshyn, P.A Hasiuk, U.O. Stadnyk, A.B. Vorobets, N.V. Malko, Ye.S. Leshchuk


    About the author: V.V. Ivanchyshyn, P.A Hasiuk, U.O. Stadnyk, A.B. Vorobets, N.V. Malko, Ye.S. Leshchuk
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The oral fluid is one of the factors that cause damage to the tooth, because its characteristics provide the homeostasis of the oral cavity and the resistance of the enamel to the caries. Results: Results of the study demonstrate that pH of oral fluid, on average, is lower in children with fissure caries (6,35±0,13) compared to children with intact first permanent molars (6,77±0,11, p<0,02). It was found that in children with intensity of caries of the primary teeth df<5 the pH value was close to neutral and was, on average, 6,48±0,14. While in the group of children with the affected fissures of the first permanent molars and df≥5 teeth its pH value was reduced and made 6,22±0,12 (p>0,01). Conclusion: Therefore, the results showed that pH of oral fluid in children with fissures caries of the first permanent molars was much lower compared with children with intact fissures. With age, the pH changed toward acidic environment that also could promote demineralization of the dental hard tissues. The pH of oral fluid in children with low intensity of primary teeth was close to neutral, but in children with df≥5 teeth, this indicator decreased toward the acidic environment. These results indicate that the acidic environment of the oral fluid is an important factor in the development of dental caries in children.
    Tags children, oral liquid, fissures, first permanent molars
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(65), 2018 year, 068-071 pages, index UDK 614.08:16.24.012
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2018-3-65-68-71