About the author: |
V.I. Ilchenko, L.M.Syzova, M.M. Ananieva, L.P. Kotsiubailo, O.K. Duda |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The study was aimed to analyse the pertussis incidence and vaccination coverage against this disease in the Poltava region, as well as to prognosticate the epidemic trends in the region for the period until 2020. Determined that a pertussis incidence among the population of the Poltava region during 2014-2016 showed a constant growth (from 0,55 per 100 thousand population – in 2014 to 6,57 per 100 thousand population – by 2016), аmong children of different age categories increased on an average of 10,6 times and had the high rates among children under 1 year old. Vaccination coverage with APDT in the Poltava region is inadequate and for the period of 2014-2016 it tends to decrease: among children under 1 year – 1,7 times, among children of 18 months – 2,0 times. By 2020 a rapid pertussis incidence rate up to 90,0 times per 100 thousand population is expected in the region, which indicates the need to improve the explanatory work on the importance of preventive vaccinations and increasing the amount of state procurements of necessary preparations to increase the population's access to free vaccination. |
Tags |
pertussis, incidence, vaccination |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(65), 2018 year, 071-074 pages, index UDK 616.921.8-047.44(477.53) |
10.26724/2079-8334-2018-3-65-71-74 |