About the author: | Kornatsky V.M., Mykhalchuk V.M., Diachenko L.O. |
Type of article | Scentific article |
Annotation | In the context of the health care system reform in Ukraine, the introduction of new principles for providing the primary medical care to the population and insurance medicine, deterioration of the nation’s general health, negative dynamics of morbidity and prevalence of diseases in Ukraine, reduction of average life expectancy, work decrement and disability of population, emphasizes the problem, and proves the inevitable impact of stress. The purpose of the work was to substantiate the conceptual approaches to the model of medical care improvement at the stage of family medicine development. The advantages of the suggested model at the level of primary medical assistance (PMA) should include: - importance of early diagnosis and correction of mental health deviations in patients as separate risk factors for certain diseases; - interaction of primary care physicians (GPU physician, therapist, pediatrician) with psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists for integrated care; - introduction of a new algorithm for providing primary care to psychosomatic patients with risk factors. The proposed model of optimizing medical care at the primary level in the present-day conditions, taking into account factors of influence on the development of psychosomatic diseases, implements the following functions: - prevention and early detection of psychosomatic diseases; - treatment of complications of psychosomatic diseases. Transformation processes at the primary direction aimed at building a patient-oriented and preventive direction in the health care system in Ukraine, creating the appropriate legal and regulatory framework for promoting a healthy lifestyle and reducing the impact of risk factors on the health of the nation as a whole [8]. The purpose of the work was to substantiate the conceptual approaches of the model of optimization of medical care at the stage of development of family medicine. The article presents new conceptual approaches to the substantiation of the model of optimization of medical care under stress conditions. Based on the work materials, we have proved the existence of a complex relationship between mental and physical disorders, and factors determining their formation, in particular stress, have been identified. The state, taking care of the health of the nation, introduces the "family doctor-patient" system, which is based on the timely detection of all factors affecting human health. Thus, the introduction of an optimized model of primary care, taking into account early diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and individual prevention of mental health disorders in patients with somatic diseases, is relevant and well-grounded. The results of the study can be a basis for the creation of new programs, comprehensive measures for the detection, treatment, prevention of mental disorders and behavior at the primary level of provision of medical care in the present. |
Tags | primary health care, mental health, psychosomatics, model for optimizing primary health care, stress |
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Publication of the article | «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(68), 2019 year, 075-079 pages, index UDK 614.2:362.121:616.45-001.1/.3:159.9]-082-039.57 |
DOI | 10.26724/2079-8334-2019-2-68-75-79 |