About the author: |
O.V. Petyunina, M.P. Kopytsya |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The purpose of the work was to study the associations between Lys198Asn gene polymorphism (EDN-1) and clinical-anamnestic data in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The total of 91 patients with STEMI, 70 (77%) – men and 21 (13%) - women, of the middle age of 60,3±9,4 were enrolled into the study. Traditional cardiovascular risk factors, аnxiety and depressive disorders were determined. Polymerase chain reaction was used to determine Lys198Asn allelic polymorphism of EDN-1 gene. The possibility of STEMI occurence was by 3.19 times higher in male with LysAsn+AsnAsn genotype of EDN-1 gene (2=4.01, Р=0.043); in those with arterial hypertension – by 3.72 times higher (2 =4.31, Р=0.038), smoking – by 2.06 (2=4.66, Р=0.031), and it was associated with more expressed coronary injury. Anxiety and depression were manifested in higher degree in patients with STEMI and LysAsn+AsnAsn polymorphism of EDN-1 gene. Based on the results obtained, the authors come to the conclusion that LysAsn+AsnAsn polymorphism of EDN-1 gene is associated with higher degree of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with STEMI. |
Tags |
Lys198Asn gene polymorphism, EDN-1, STEMI, cardiovascular risk factors |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(68), 2019 year, 100-104 pages, index UDK 616.127-005.8-037:575:611.018.74 |
10.26724/2079-8334-2019-2-68-100-104 |