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  • Article
    R.V. Slukhenska, I.G. Biryuk


    About the author: R.V. Slukhenska, I.G. Biryuk
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article analyzes the urgent problems of complex medical rehabilitation for people who experienced different kinds of traumas (physical, psychological) in areas of war actions and who cannot solve problems of adaptation and organism restoration without assistance. The importance of problem solving associated with ATO members rehabilitation is one of the most significant problems nowadays. Multidimensionality of medical rehabilitation tasks for injured war members needs effective functioning of this system as separate direction of clinical and social medicine. As it is known, Ministry of Health of Ukraine has created separate Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Palliative Medicine which will control working of this direction. According to official data, more than 55 thousand Ukrainian soldiers take part in armed conflict in the East of Ukraine. Recently, a number of those who return home as not only physically but also psychologically disabled has increased. The aim of this article is to analyze the urgent problems of complex medical rehabilitation for people who experienced different kinds of traumas (physical, psychological) in areas of war actions and who can not solve problems of adaptation and organism restoration without assistance. The rehabilitation of victims is a long-term process which needs qualified professionals, amount of whom is limited nowadays. A particular medical specialty “Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine” must be developed, which is existed in the EU. A unique compulsory State system of complex war members rehabilitation must operate and be adequately financed with centers across all regions of Ukraine.
    Tags Comprehensive medical rehabilitation, military action, medicine, social adaptation, medical system


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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(68), 2019 year, 114-117 pages, index UDK 616-036.868:364-786]-057.36
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2019-2-68-114-117