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  • Article
    Filatova О.V.


    About the author: Filatova О.V.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The prevalence of chemoresistant tuberculosis around the world has become alarming, and some countries are even considered as a threat to national security. Due to this situation, the fight against this disease has become global. The prevalence of chemoresistant tuberculosis around the world has become alarming, and some countries are even considered as a threat to national security. The article discusses the validity of the application of molecular genetic research method. The state of the immune and antioxidant systems of patients with newly diagnosed chemoresistant pulmonary tuberculosis and its changes during treatment is described. The purpose of the work was to establish changes in the immune and antioxidant systems in patients with the first-ever diagnosed chemo-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis at different terms of its diagnosis and its changes in the treatment process. The first group of patients (n = 60) was the main one, who immediately after the admission to the hospital were examined for the resistance of mycobacteria to the ATBD (antitubercular drugs) by means of the molecular genetic method, and the second group (n = 60) was the control one (retrospective), which was examined for the resistance of mycobacteria to ATBD by means of the cultural method. The profile of resistance and the presence of destructive changes in the lungs of the group did not differ statistically. The state of the immune and antioxidant systems was investigated before and after the completion of antimycobacterial therapy. The first stage of the research was aimed at studying the state of the immune system in patients with the first-ever diagnosed chemo-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis and its changes in the treatment process. The second stage of our work was aimed at studying the state of the antioxidant system in patients with the first-ever diagnosed chemo-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis and its changes in the treatment process. In patients of the main group compared to the control one, at the end of the treatment, the content of ceruloplasmin, diene conjugates, malondialdehyde, the percentage of spontaneous hemolysis of red blood cells, catalase, serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin in serum and the values of middle molecules were significantly normalized. Thus, the obtained data confirm that the early diagnosis of mycobacterium chemo resistance using the molecular genetic method and, respectively, the early correction of antimycobacterial therapy in patients with chemo-resistant tuberculosis compared to the cultural method for diagnosis of chemo-resistance led to an improvement in both cell and humoral immunity, indicating the importance and efficacy of early adequate therapy for patients with chemo-resistant tuberculosis. Based on the results of the study, it was established that early diagnosis of chemoresistance by the molecular-genetic method in patients with newly diagnosed chemoresistant tuberculosis compared with diagnostics using the chemoresistance culture method resulted in improved indicators of cellular and humoral immunity and normalization of antioxidant protection indices.
    Tags chemoresistant tuberculosis, molecular genetic method, cellular and humoral immunity, antioxidant protection
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(68), 2019 year, 141-144 pages, index UDK 616.24-002.5:612.017-071
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2019-2-68-141-144