About the author: |
І. І.Yuryk, P. Ya. Bodnar, Ya. Ya. Bodnar, Yu. M. Orel |
Heading |
Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
The study was performed with the purpose to study the features of cross-striated muscles remodeling of the femoral, knee and lower leg areas of the hind limbs in rats of pre-reproductive and reproductive age under conditions of experimental hypercholesterolemia. It was established that remodeling of muscle fibers in all terms of the experiment was manifested by loss of striation, homogenization, sarcoplasmolysis with myocytolysis and contracture changes. Submicroscopically degenerative and destructive changes of mitochondria, cytoplasm vacuolation, pycnosis of hemocapillar endotheliocytes’ nucleoplasm were observed. The most significant remodeling occurs in the cross-striated muscles of reproductive age animals in the lower leg area, in animals of pre-reproductive age - in the femoral and knee areas. |
Tags |
hypercholesterolemia, remodeling, skeletal muscles, contracture changes, myocytolysis |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(68), 2019 year, 215-219 pages, index UDK 616.748–003.93–06:616.153.922]–092.9 |
10.26724/2079-8334-2019-2-68-215-219 |