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  • Article
    Orlyuk OP, Malyuha LY, Sinyova LM, Zozulya DV.


    About the author: Orlyuk OP, Malyuha LY, Sinyova LM, Zozulya DV.
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article deals with the issue of human health as the highest social value. It is argued that, from a legal point of view of health, more precisely, the object of the right to health is the non-material benefit of "health of an individual", given that health is the object of the intangible world. The rules of the various branches of law (constitutional, administrative, financial, criminal, civil law) in one way or another regulate issues related to the implementation, protection and protection of the right to health. This reaffirms the constitutional position that health is one of the highest social values in our country. It is emphasized that health should be a strategic direction of human life, which helps to increase the vitality of the body, the body's natural resistance to stress and depressive states. The health is determined by quantitative and qualitative medical indicators. The absence of such indicators, the reluctance or identification of a person as unnecessary to know them, does not mean that the person is healthy. Health needs to be thought of and should be taken care of. But this is a question of subjective attitude of the person to himself. At the same time, the person should be aware that one's own health can not be taken care of (in the event of any illness – not treated), as long as it does not harm the interests of others.
    Tags human health, well-being, ideal of health, social value
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(69), 2019 year, 133-136 pages, index UDK 34; 159.92
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2019-3-69-133-136