About the author: |
Yanchuk A.O., Guliak O.V., Tverezovsky M.V., Pavelko I.I., Bernaz P.V., Kuznichenko S.O. |
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Scentific article |
Annotation |
The purpose of the work was to substantiate the concept of medical and psychological rehabilitation and legal protection of the military personnel participating in ATO / OOS. The psycho-diagnostic study involved 93 military personnel participating in the ATO / OOS with the mean stay of 12-14 months in the war zone in eastern Ukraine, ranging in age from 20 to 30 years. The results of the study indicate that 53.78% of military participants in the ATO / OOS have certain symptoms of post-stress conditions; partial PTSD was diagnosed in 13.97% of the military; the presence of clinically pronounced disorders of post-stress states is subjectively noted by 19.35% of respondents. Depressive symptoms were recorded in 62.39% of respondents, of which 13.99% were at levels above moderate and high. More than half of the respondents noted the symptoms inherent in post-stress disorders - “invasion” - 59.23% for PTSD and 55.90% for ASD; “Avoidance” - 59.63% with PTSD and 66.27% with ASD; the indicator “Hyperactivation” - 58.21 points for PTSD, and 56.04 for ASD, dissociative symptoms and states of distress and maladaptation - 65.66 points for PTSD and 65.56 for ASD. Given the above, it is necessary to work out at the legislative level the medical-psychological concept of rehabilitation of the military personnel participating in ATO / OOS. Into the program of combat training of military personnel, including commanders of all levels, to introduce a course of the basics of psychological assistance in order to adjust the emotional state by providing self and mutual assistance. |
Tags |
medical and psychological rehabilitation, participants in ATO / OOS, post-traumatic stress syndrome, acute stress disorder, screening |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №1(71), 2020 year, 154-158 pages, index UDK 616-059+616-05+159.972 +351.862 (477) |
10.26724/2079-8334-2020-1-71-154-158 |