About the author: |
Maslova G.S., Skrypnyk R.I., Gopko O.F., Skrypnyk I.M. |
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Type of article |
Scentific article |
Annotation |
The article presents the results of an experimental study aimed to investigate the features of arginine / citrulline cycle disorders associated with doxorubicin-induced liver injury in rats, concomitant with NASH. The study involved adult fertile outbred albino rats (n=30; male rats=15 (50%); female rats=15 (50%)) weighted 160-220 g. The rats were assigned into 3 groups: Group І (n=10) involved rats with NASH, administered with intraperitoneal 5 mg/kg doxorubicin for 3 days; Group ІІ (n=10) involved rats without NASH, administered with intraperitoneal doxorubicin similar to Group I regimen; Group ІІІ (n=10) – control group. It has been shown that administration of doxorubicin in rats with NASH leads to disorders of arginine/citrulline cycle, which are characterized by inhibition of arginase activity and activation of citrulline synthesis. |
Tags |
arginine, citrulline, arginase, doxorubicin, hepatotoxic reactions, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(72), 2020 year, 188-192 pages, index UDK 616.36-0,02:611.018:599.323.4 |
10.26724/2079-8334-2020-2-72-188-192 |