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  • Article
    O.O. Belov, A.L. Kostyuk, V.M. Andriichuk, I.Yu. Kostyuk


    About the author: O.O. Belov, A.L. Kostyuk, V.M. Andriichuk, I.Yu. Kostyuk
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Menstrual and generative dysfunction in 104 women with depressive disorders was studied. Decreased generative function with a small number of pregnancies and births, decreased or no libido and sexual life; at the same time realization of generative function worsens with deepening of depression. Women with depressive disorders have a significant incidence of dysmenorrhea (83% in total), the prevalence of which also increases with the severity of depression. The most common disorders are opsomenorrhea (41%), amenorrhea (33%) and oligomenorrhea (20%). The prevalence of premenstrual syndrome among women with depression was 57%; it varies from 48% in mild depression to 90% in severe.
    Tags depressive disorders, dysmenorrhea, generative function
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(74), 2020 year, 15-19 pages, index UDK 616.895.1-616.895.6, 618.175
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2020-4-74-15-19