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  • Article
    Yu.O. Liannoi, O.O. Skyba, L.V. Pshenychna, Yu.L. Tonkopei, I.M. Ionova


    About the author: Yu.O. Liannoi, O.O. Skyba, L.V. Pshenychna, Yu.L. Tonkopei, I.M. Ionova
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The analysis of demographic situation and health indices of the adult population in the north-eastern region of Ukraine (on the example of the Sumy region) was carried out. Negative tendencies of regional demographic indices and their extremely high rates were determined: population decline in the region, negative natural increase rate, ultra-high mortality rates vs. ultra-low fertility rate, etc. The “peak” values of morbidity and prevalence rate occured on 2016 and 2017, while in 2019 the prevalence rate and the level of primary disease incidence in the adult population of Sumy region had a gradual downward trend in almost all classes of diseases. In 2019, the first place in the structure of the prevalence rate among the population of the region, as in previous years, was occupied by diseases of the circulatory system (33.30%). The second place belonged to respiratory diseases (17.14%), the third place in the ranking went to digestive diseases (9.85%). The disease distribution was dominated by respiratory diseases (43.94%). Diseases of the circulatory system took second place (8.03%), injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of external causes – the third one (7.97%).
    Tags demographic indices, health status, primary disease incidence, prevalence rate
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(74), 2020 year, 85-89 pages, index UDK 616-058:616-053.8
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2020-4-74-85-89