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    Yu. O. Kryvoviaz, V. S. Vernigorodskiy, L. А. Cherkasova, O. P. Drachuk, Yu. V. Kordon


    About the author: Yu. O. Kryvoviaz, V. S. Vernigorodskiy, L. А. Cherkasova, O. P. Drachuk, Yu. V. Kordon
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The study analyzed the differences in the functional status of the kidneys in healthy and patients with type 1 diabetes with different levels of albumin in the urine. Significantly, higher values of microalbumin, creatinine, albumin-creatinine coefficient of urine and lower values of glomerular filtration rate according to Cockcroft-Gault, CKD EPI and cystatin C in sick men and women compared with the control group of persons of the same sex. The discrepancies and contradictions e of indicators comparison results in the subjects with different levels of albumin in the urine justified the need to use a full set of criteria for renal dysfunction in the division into comparison groups.
    Tags type 1 diabetes, urinary albumin levels, assessment of renal function
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(76), 2021 year, 064-068 pages, index UDK 616.379-008.64:577.112:616.61-07-084
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2021-2-76-64-68