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    O. G. Boychuk-Tovsta, O. G. Boychuk, T. Ya. Divnych, O. M. Ilnytska, A. B. Kostyshyn, O. M. Vynogradova


    About the author: O. G. Boychuk-Tovsta, O. G. Boychuk, T. Ya. Divnych, O. M. Ilnytska, A. B. Kostyshyn, O. M. Vynogradova
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Pregnancy due to its physiological course is supported by intensification of all kinds of intechanges including both macroelement and trace element ones. Metal imbalance is closely connected to the activity of some enzymes, vitamins and metallobiotics (iron, magnesium, cuprum and zink). The violation of the microelements’ interchange, which have a huge bioactivity is connected with the impact on metabolism, sanguification, tissue respiration, determines its vital role in pathogenesis of many illnesses including periodontitis. As a result, providing mineral homeostasis is more special and complicated during pregnancy, especially one that is affected by iron deficiency. The research of serum mineral interchange proved that imbalance of trace elements (microelementosis) is essential component of iron deficiency, pathogenesis in pregnant women and it strengthens according to the development of generalized periodontitis. Iron and cuprum biometals deficiency, especially important during pregnancy, turned to be particularly keen. We have observed the gradual decrease of the content of biometals in serum in both groups of the survey with the development of generalized periodontitis. So, iron deficiency anemia leads to disorders of mineral homeostasis of oral fluid and blood serum, and the progression of generalized periodontitis increases the deficiency of trace elements in the these biological fluids.
    Tags pregnant women, iron deficiency, generalized periodontitis, trace elements, blood, oral fluid
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(76), 2021 year, 178-182 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002+616.314.17-008.6)]-06:616.155.194.8-02:618.3-06]-07:(616.152+616.316-008.8)]-07
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2021-2-76-178-182