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    Al-Omary Ala’a Osama Ahmad, S. V. Dmytrenko, V. H. Chaika, N. M. Isakova, I. V. Gunas


    About the author: Al-Omary Ala’a Osama Ahmad, S. V. Dmytrenko, V. H. Chaika, N. M. Isakova, I. V. Gunas
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The study analyzed the differences in the skinfold thickness between healthy and/or eczema patients depending on the severity of the disease. It was found that most indicators of skinfold thickness (except for folds on the side) in men with different forms and severity of eczema has significantly less value than in healthy men. Between patients with true and/or microbial eczema of varying severity, only isolated differences in the skinfold thickness were found. Identified differences in the skinfold thickness can be used to predict the phenotypic manifestation of eczema.
    Tags eczema, skinfold thickness, men
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(77), 2021 year, 011-015 pages, index UDK 616.379-008.64:577.112:616.61-07-084
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2021-3-77-11-15