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    I. Yu. Drachevska, О. S. Barylo, Yu. G. Shevchuk, I. P. Gunko, А. І. Kondratiuk


    About the author: I. Yu. Drachevska, О. S. Barylo, Yu. G. Shevchuk, I. P. Gunko, А. І. Kondratiuk
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation In Ukrainian young men (with a wide face type) and young women (with a wide and very wide face type) with orthognathic occlusion, reliable regression models of individual teleradiographic indicators of the upper and lower jaws were constructed and analyzed by the Downs method (second group) depending on the basic cephalometric parameters (first group) (in young men R²= 0.856 and 0.902, most often the models include the value of the distances N-S and S-E; only in young women with a wide type of face – R²=0.778); and indicators that characterize the position of each tooth (third group), depending on the indicators of the first and second groups (in young men R²= from 0.605 to 0.868, most often the models include the value of the angles NAPog, POr-GnS, AB-NPog and distances N-S and P-PTV; respectively in young women – R²= from 0.614 to 0.801, most often the models include the value of the angle AB-NPog, and R²= 0.718 and 0.860, most often the models include the value of the angles NAPog, POr-MeGo, POr-GnS, Н and distance S-E).
    Tags teleradiography, Downs method of cephalometry, young men and young women with orthognathic occlusion, facial types, regression analysis
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(78), 2021 year, 046-051 pages, index UDK 616.314.2-007.271-053.7:617.52:616-073.75
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2021-4-78-46-51