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  • Article
    V. M. Zhdan, M. V. Tkachenko, E. M. Kіtura, M. Y. Babanina, O. A. Kyrian


    About the author: V. M. Zhdan, M. V. Tkachenko, E. M. Kіtura, M. Y. Babanina, O. A. Kyrian
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article presents the results of the examination of the functional state of the joints of 116 people. There was a study of lipid profile, insulin resistance, systemic inflammation activity in patients with osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis in combination with metabolic syndrome. According to the results of the study, significant changes in the above-mentioned predictors were found in patients with osteoarthritis in combination with metabolic syndrome compared to groups of healthy individuals and patients with osteoarthritis. Thus, we found a probable increase in total cholesterol by 1.3 times, triglycerides by 1.4 times, cholesterol of very-low-density lipoproteins by 1.8 times compared with the corresponding values in patients with osteoarthritis. Exceedances in TNF- and IL-1 indices were found to be 3.6 and 2.5-fold higher, respectively, in patients with osteoarthritis in combination with metabolic syndrome compared with other study groups. With the growing number of patients with osteoarthritis in combination with metabolic syndrome in Ukraine and around the world, the study of the unity of pathogenetic mechanisms and the possibility of finding new treatments is critical.
    Tags dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, cytokines, patient's quality of life
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(78), 2021 year, 056-060 pages, index UDK 616.72-002-085
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2021-4-78-56-60