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    О. А. Serebrennikova, O. B. A-R. Al-Qaraleh, І. V. Dzevulska, T. G. Kryvonis, I. V. Prolygina


    About the author: О. А. Serebrennikova, O. B. A-R. Al-Qaraleh, І. V. Dzevulska, T. G. Kryvonis, I. V. Prolygina
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation In men with mild or severe psoriasis, compared with healthy subjects without division into somatotypes, the level of subjective control showed a significant decrease in the value of interpersonal relationships and the ability to influence their own health. Significantly lower levels of general internality in patients with severe psoriasis were found in the distribution by body type in men of mesomorphic somatotype as well as the indicator of the level of subjective control in the field of failures, educational and interpersonal relationships in patients with mild and severe disease compared with the control group of a similar somatotype.
    Tags psoriasis, severity, men, level of subjective control, body type
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №1(79), 2022 year, 126-130 pages, index UDK 616.517-055.1:159.923
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-1-79-126-130