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  • Article
    A. V. Rybachuk, O. K. Tolstanov, V. O. Malanchuk, I. P. Mazur, Z. P. Fedorenko, O. V. Sumkina


    About the author: A. V. Rybachuk, O. K. Tolstanov, V. O. Malanchuk, I. P. Mazur, Z. P. Fedorenko, O. V. Sumkina
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The paper analyzes the morbidity and mortality of patients with malignant neoplasms of the lip and oral cavity in Ukraine from 2010 to 2019. It compares it with global trends to justify decisions on the necessary preventive measures to reduce the burden of these diseases in the population of Ukraine. Data on morbidity and mortality in 2010–2019 were obtained from the issues of the Bulletin of the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine. The study used updated information published by the NCRU on the number of cases of MN of the lip (ICD code–10 C00) and oral cavity (C01–C08, C46.2) and deaths from these diseases in the population of Ukraine, as well as the corresponding age-standardized indices calculated for the standard world population. The calculation of indices absent in the publications was performed according to the data of the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine. The quality and completeness of the data of the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine are high and meet internationally accepted requirements. Cancer epidemiology indices of other countries were obtained from the Global Cancer Observatory project's web platform. According to the results of the study, there is a need to improve the system of care for cancer patients, review the existing and create a new regulatory framework in Ukraine, provide institutions with a sufficient number of specialists in maxillofacial oncology, increase the number of scientific studies in oncology, the need for annual preventive examinations, etc.
    Tags malignant neoplasms of the maxillofacial area, lip cancer, oral cancer
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(80), 2022 year, 134-140 pages, index UDK 614.2:616.31-082(477)
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-2-80-134-140