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  • Article
    Yu. D. Frenkel, V. S. Cherno, О. V. Kharchenko, О. М. Larycheva, L. D. Chebotar, V. V. Pshychenko, V. O. Kostenko


    About the author: Yu. D. Frenkel, V. S. Cherno, О. V. Kharchenko, О. М. Larycheva, L. D. Chebotar, V. V. Pshychenko, V. O. Kostenko
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation In terms of morbidity and prevalence, metabolic syndrome belongs to the group of diseases of civilization that is becoming a pandemic. Some researchers mention the formation of metabolic syndrome in childhood. Pathomorphological changes in the structural organization of liver components acquire the manifestation of the main pathological reactions of stromal and parenchymal elements. To determine the main pathological processes and pathohistological changes as criteria for metabolic syndrome we developed the experimental model of metabolic syndrome on mature male Wistar rats which was patented. The semifine sections were made of liver tissues and stained with toluidine blue and examined under the microscope. The histological structure of experimental animals’ livers had partial decompensation of hepatic tubules and edema of the parenchyma. Hepatocytes were polygonal in shape and located densely without clear boundaries. They had the form of “stone-block pavement” and significantly swollen with light cytoplasm, the Kraevsky cells were formed. A moderate number of the binuclear hepatocytes, small groups of the liver cells with the nuclei having one and two nucleoli, and signs of nuclear fission were found. Beam-radial structure of lobules was absent against the background of hydropic and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes and small focal necrosis. The central veins were full-blooded, their endothelium was with signs of desquamation, and the basement membrane was thickened. The portal tracts are expanded due to edema. The formation of single necrosis sites was noted in the portal area. Destructive changes in bile ducts, dystrophic changes of a vascular endothelium were noted in the damaged portal tracts. Uneven expansion and edema of the perisinusoidal spaces of Disse were observed. Swelling of Kupffer cell nuclei was noted.
    Tags binuclear hepatocytes, hepatocyte dystrophy, hepatocyte necrosis, Kupffer cells
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №2(80), 2022 year, 242-247 pages, index UDK 616.36-091.8-008.9-092.4
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-2-80-242-247