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    V. S. Hrynovets, V. F. Makejev, O. R. Ripetska, I. S. Deneha, A. Y. Buchkovska, Kh. I. Strus, I. V. Chelpanova


    About the author: V. S. Hrynovets, V. F. Makejev, O. R. Ripetska, I. S. Deneha, A. Y. Buchkovska, Kh. I. Strus, I. V. Chelpanova
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Dystrophic changes of all periodontal structures and teeth in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis were investigated in the study. Characteristic signs of the gums’ pathological contour, as well as other clinical and radiological features of dystrophy differ in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis and contribute to the improvement of their differential diagnosis. Ultrastructural examination of the patients’ gums with periodontitis revealed disseminated microthrombosis, mucoid edema and fibrinoid transformation of intermediate connective tissue, and coagulation-dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues and cells.
    Tags periodontitis,parodontosis,gingival ultrastructure,coagulation dystrophy
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(82), 2022 year, 053-058 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-008.1-007.17-036.1-076.4
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-4-82-53-58