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  • Article
    D. V. Karamyshev, V. M. Zhdan, V. M. Dvornyk, L. P. Hordiienko, Zh. P. Kundii


    About the author: D. V. Karamyshev, V. M. Zhdan, V. M. Dvornyk, L. P. Hordiienko, Zh. P. Kundii
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article discusses the essence of universally applicable approaches to the tactical level of aid and medical support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel based on the Tactical Combat Casualty Care principles implementation as a factor in reducing the mortality rate among the injured in combat. Universally applicable institutional and methodological approaches to improving and increasing the efficiency of training and medical support of military personnel have been considered. It is proposed to spread the Ukrainian experience of certified centers and the algorithm of three-stage training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel in tactical medicine basics, as well as a unified approach to the procurement of individual tactical first-aid kits according to the BRIG 4x4 rule (approved by the copyright registration certificate dated 05/30/2022 No. 113082, identifier: CR0031300522) which will ensure the clear and efficient use of medical items and the ability to reduce the time of providing pre-medical care.
    Tags Tactical Combat Casualty Care,medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,individual tactical first-aid kits
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(82), 2022 year, 074-079 pages, index UDK 355.721/.725:351.86
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-4-82-74-79