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  • Article
    Yu. O. Kinash, L. V. Kinash


    About the author: Yu. O. Kinash, L. V. Kinash
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation Twenty-five patients (12 male and 13 female patients) of young and Ist adult age without bad habits were selected, who underwent surgical treatment with horizontal atrophy of the jawbone tissue in periodontal tissue pathology. Patients were divided into two groups with a preliminary prognosis of “crestal” and “subcrestal” placement of dental implants with appropriate vertical soft tissue dimensions, which directly affected the choice of osseointegration of the latter. A total of 47 dental implants were integrated. A significant number of dentists apply the alveolar ridge split technique only using bone material. We used splitting without the use of bone substitutes in our study. We examined the condition of the bone and soft tissue after the load, performing a correlation and completing an integrated analysis from initial assessment to long-term treatment outcomes. Application of the “sequential” alveolar ridge splitting with the piezoelectric periotome without the use of bone substitutes to increase the horizontal dimension of the bone tissue of the jaws demonstrated properties (elasticity, resilience, and flexibility) of bone tissue under difficult conditions of dental implantation.
    Tags generalized periodontal diseases,bone augmentation,alveolar ridge split,dental implantation
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(82), 2022 year, 085-090 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-007.23-089.843
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-4-82-85-90