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    M. O. Kolesnichenko, D. V. Savchenko, V. V. Savchenko, O. S. Ivaniuk, I. V. Zhyvotovskyi, P. I. Yacenko, K. P. Lokes


    About the author: M. O. Kolesnichenko, D. V. Savchenko, V. V. Savchenko, O. S. Ivaniuk, I. V. Zhyvotovskyi, P. I. Yacenko, K. P. Lokes
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The article describes the dynamics of connective tissue markers in blood serum (glycoproteins and chondroitin sulfates) under the conditions of mandibular molars extraction and augmentation of the alveolar process. According to the obtained data, it was established that the operation of tooth extraction and augmentation of the bone defect of the alveolar process of mandible caused more significant changes in the content of blood serum glycoproteins than chondroitin sulfates. The minimal changes in the studied parameters were observed in the second experimental group (when augmentation of the bone defect of the mandibular alveolar process with bone substitute of animal origin granules in combination with keratoxenoimplantant was performed after the molar extraction), the most significant changes were noted in the control group, in which no augmentation of the alveolar process was performed at all.
    Tags tooth extraction,alveolar process augmentation,biochemical markers
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №1(83), 2023 year, 096-099 pages, index UDK 616.314.7-02:616.716.4]-089.87+616.716.87-089.844:616.15-074-026.19
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2023-1-83-96-99