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  • Article
    O. I. Tiron, K. F. Shemonayeva, V. B. Khanzhi, G. Yu. Shevchuk, S. L. Lyashenko, O. V. Onufryenko, M. R. Vastianov


    About the author: O. I. Tiron, K. F. Shemonayeva, V. B. Khanzhi, G. Yu. Shevchuk, S. L. Lyashenko, O. V. Onufryenko, M. R. Vastianov
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The purpose of the study was to determine the experimental animals’ thyroid gland ultrastructural changes throughout the thermal skin injury dynamics in condition of hyperosmolar lactoprotein with sorbitol solution injection. The provided ultramicroscopic studies have established the expressed hyperosmolar lactoprotein with sorbitol colloid solution corrective influence on thyroid gland ultrastructural changes induced by its burning. Hyperosmolar lactoprotein with sorbitol colloid solution administration results in normalization of thyroid gland morphological structure and ultramicroscopic intrathyroidal disorders during the post-burn period. A significant improvement of thyroid blood capillaries and follicular cells ultrastructure was established in the dynamics of the trial with the normalization of their morphology at the ultrastructural level in the late stages of the thyroid gland post-burn period. Initial lactoprotein with sorbitol solution protective effects were registered on the 3rd day after thyroid gland burning. The most expressed lactoprotein with sorbitol protective effects were registered from the 21st day of the trial which were continued till the end. Therefore, the obtained data concerning the lactoprotein with sorbitol solution protecting efficacy in thyroid burning have a pathogenetic background which we consider as the experimental confirmation of hyperosmolar colloidal solutions clinical efficacy testing reasonability in thyroid gland parenchyma burn lesions.
    Tags thyroid gland,thermal injury,ultrastructural changes,lactoprotein with sorbitol,pharmacocorrection,pathogenetic background
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(85), 2023 year, 243-247 pages, index UDK
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2023-3-85-243-247