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  • Article
    A. Y. Adubetska, S. A. Shnaider, S. V. Skulska, M. V. Anisimov, H. O. Vyshnevska, N. V. Malekh, O. A. Kryvchuk


    About the author: A. Y. Adubetska, S. A. Shnaider, S. V. Skulska, M. V. Anisimov, H. O. Vyshnevska, N. V. Malekh, O. A. Kryvchuk
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The study was devoted to researching the condition of the status of periodontal tissues in patients with peri-implantitis. 67 patients with peri-implantitis aged between 25 and 55 years took part in the research. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination of the main disease and dental status according to a single scheme. The dental examination was carried out in a dental office. The comprehensive analysis of the index assessment of periodontal tissues in patients diagnosed with peri-implantitis reveals a pronounced deterioration in periodontal health compared to the average indicators among the 30–50 years old demographic in Ukraine. These data are the basis for the development and implementation of a medical and preventive complex aimed at helping the patients with peri-implantitis.
    Tags periodontal tissues,oral health,implants,inflammatory disease,adult patients
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(86), 2023 year, 007-010 pages, index UDK [616-053.81+616.314-089.843]: 616.311.2-002
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2023-4-86-7-10