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    V. V. Borysenko, L. O. Herasymenko, R. I. Isakov, Yu. O. Fysun, P. V. Kydon, V. V. Shynder, O. A. Kazakov


    About the author: V. V. Borysenko, L. O. Herasymenko, R. I. Isakov, Yu. O. Fysun, P. V. Kydon, V. V. Shynder, O. A. Kazakov
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The psychological adaptation of international students to a Ukrainian higher medical school depends on individual and group factors, motivational and background characteristics, cognitive, information-cognitive and gnostic factors, interpersonal relations in international study groups, and the formation of psychosocial maladaptation in foreign students indicates the need to create forms and methods of a differentiated approach to the personality of each student. The study describes the psychological differences in adaptive mechanisms among international students, the presence and severity of psychosocial maladjustment in various areas, and the factors shaping its development. It is shown that the education of international students in medical higher education institutions contributes to integrating domestic medical schools into the global intellectual space and, therefore, stimulates the development of medical science and practice in the country.
    Tags international students,psychological adaptation,psychosocial maladjustment,adaptation disorders
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(86), 2023 year, 024-029 pages, index UDK 159.922+616.89-008.48-07]:378.6:61-054.6-057.875(477)
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2023-4-86-24-29