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  • Article
    M. B. Danyliuk, S. M. Zavhorodniy, M. A. Kubrak, O. V. Kapshytar, L. M. Bambyzov, N. O. Yareshko, A. V. Bachurin


    About the author: M. B. Danyliuk, S. M. Zavhorodniy, M. A. Kubrak, O. V. Kapshytar, L. M. Bambyzov, N. O. Yareshko, A. V. Bachurin
    Type of article Scentific article
    Annotation The study evaluates the effect of senile asthenia on the severity of the postoperative period in elderly and senile patients with perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The total number of patients was 80 (100.0 %) aged 60 to 89 years. The condition was assessed using the P-POSSUM scale, and senile asthenia syndrome was assessed using the Edmonton Frail scale. Based on the diagnosis of asthenia, the distribution was made: group A – 30 (37.5 %) patients without asthenia and group B – 50 (62.5 %) patients with asthenia. The groups were comparable in terms of diagnosis and performed surgery. When comparing, it was determined that senile asthenia significantly affects the severity of the condition according to P-POSSUM in the group without asthenia (group A) – 32±6.8, in the group with asthenia (group B) – 49±6.7, p<0.0001, U=84.5. Senile asthenia syndrome increases the frequency of postoperative complications: in group A – 5 (16.7 %) patients, while in group B – 24 (48.0 %), p=0.0198, U=515.0 and mortality: in group A accounted for 3 (10.0 %) cases, while in group B – 18 (36.0 %), p=0.0112, U=555.0.
    Tags senile asthenia,ulcer,peritonitis,old age
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №4(86), 2023 year, 040-044 pages, index UDK 616.33-002+616.342-002]-007.251-053.9:616.8-009.17]-089.168
    DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2023-4-86-40-44