About the author: |
Zhuravlyova L.V., Aleksandrova N.K., Chvorostinka V.N., Ilchenko I.A. |
Heading |
Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
The results of the clinical effectiveness investigations of Amlodipinum in 42 patients with arterial hypertension associated with peptic ulcer were given. The negative effect of associated pathology (AH+PU) on the both diseases was proved. The state of microhemocirculations was considered to be prognostic criterion for the disease course. Ca-blocator (Amlodipinum) was successfully used in the treatment of associated pathology. |
Tags |
arterial hypertension, peptic ulcer, amlodipinum, statе of microcirculation. |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(25), 2010 year, 70-73 pages, index UDK 616.12-008.331.1+616.33-002.44]-005-08 |