About the author: |
Torianik Inna I. , Kolesnik Vladimir V. |
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Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
The results of morphological researches changes of 6-th month age’s (n=45) Wistar male rat’s cerebral vessels in simalated ischemic insult (stroke) are presented in this work. It is shown, that the basic criteria are the factors, which are established not only structural vessels signs, but periferal blood cells. The reorganization of the endothelium layer, connective tissue components, degeneration, erythrocytes surfical structural changes, their adgasive properties, necrosis of the paravascular tissue components are reveated. In the microscopical preparations many signs of hemocirculation signs, which was connected with the changes of blood reological properties, vessel’s wall penetrability. |
Tags |
structuro- functional features, cerebral vessels, Wistar rats male , simulated ischemic insult . |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(26), 2010 year, 83-85 pages, index UDK |