About the author: |
Zhurakivskiy V.M. |
Heading |
Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
Uterine fibroids in women with obesity is more common in peredmenopauzalnyy period, followed by diseases of the circulatory system. Atorvastatin causes reduction factor aterohennosti by 45% and to reduce body mass index 10.94% after 3 months of treatment. It established a strong positive correlation between triglycerides and BMI before and after treatment. It has found a statistically significant reduction of cancer 3 months after a comprehensive treatment to 40.27% in subgroup 1a, 1b subgroup in only 35,6%. In addition, subgroup first observed less frequently cider "flash" than in subgroup 1b, respectively 5% and 10% of cases. |
Tags |
fibroids, uterine hyperplasia, hormones, lipid metabolism, statins |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №2(29), 2011 year, 114-117 pages, index UDK 618.14 – 089 + 618.14 + 618.14-006 |