About the author: |
Gutsalenko O.A., Katerenchuk I.P., Kostrikova Y.A., Tomenko V.V., Salo L.M., Manojlo E.V., Dzuba A.M., Misutina V.I., Karlov O.V., Falco V. P., Chip E.E. |
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Type of article |
Научная статья |
Annotation |
Analyzed some features of antibiotic therapy for the patients with community acquired pneumonia in a hospital in time of unusual epidemic season 2009-2010. Slow start clinical efficacy of monotherapy in patients with pneumonia and the achievement of clinical effect in response to the combination, and in severe cases - to the aggressive antibiotic therapy mainly intravenous use. Lack of adequate clinical response to antibiotic therapy which was starting within the first 3 days after admission was the cause of prescription new antibacterial combination in every fifth patient (21.76%).
Analysis of the antibiotic therapy patients with community acquired pneumonia during the flu epidemic and SARS has demonstrated clinical efficacy of intravenous respiratory fluoroquinolones using f in the combined therapy 80% of patients, especially in combination with β-lactam antibiotics.
Анализ эффективности антибактериальной терапии негоспитальной пневмонии в период эпидемии гриппа и ОРВИ продемонстрировал клиническую эффективность внутри-венного применения респираторных фторхинолонов в составе комбинированной терапии у 80% больных, особенно при сочетании с β-лактамными антибиотиками. |
Tags |
influenza, unusual epidemic season, community-acquired pneumonia, antibacterial therapy |
Bibliography |
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Publication of the article |
«World of Medicine and Biology» №3(30), 2011 year, 59-66 pages, index UDK 616.24-002-085.281.9:616 |