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  • Article
    Silkina Yu.V., Chaikovsky Yu.B., Shepit’ko V.I.


    About the author: Silkina Yu.V., Chaikovsky Yu.B., Shepit’ko V.I.
    Type of article Научная статья
    Annotation The paper presents aspects of teaching embryology at the medical faculties of universities in Ukraine and other countries. An experience of different educational and organizational approaches to this issue is presented, emphasis on the problem points is placed: the need for increased training hours for the teaching of general questions in embryology; for specific training course in "Clinical Embryology" in the higher classes and during the family physicians, pediatricians, neonatologists internship, which would suggest the clinical aspects of medical embryology and teratology, prognosis and early diagnosis of congenital malformations. On one hand, this will increase the level of students knowledge in the field of embryology (fertilization, factors influencing the processes of spermato- and oogenesis, the development of systems and organs), as well as clinical manifestations of dizembryogenies, on the other - will help to develop a theoretical base for training of specialists in embryology, in which there is a need due to growth of the number of clinics for in vitro fertilization, including in Ukraine.
    Tags human embryology, clinical embryology curriculum
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    Publication of the article «World of Medicine and Biology» №3(30), 2011 year, 160-162 pages, index UDK 611: 378